Monday, June 21, 2010

6-in-1 vaccine

After much postponement due to chubs' sickness and her PD being on leave, chubs is finally due for her 6-in-1 vaccine today! But still one hiccup, the nurses made a mistake regarding chubs' PD's leave and he is still not back today so we had to contend with another PD as I do not want to push back the date again. I arranged to meet my MIL at the clinic straight and when they reached, my MIL told me chubs poo-ed big time all over herself and they had to rush to clean her up before leaving the house.

Hahaha ... I find this photo funny as she had her body stiff and couldn't really fit on the scale anymore!
7.9 kgs at 5 months 23 days

67.5 cm in height

43 cm in head circumference

trying to grab my camera while I took a photo of  her

I am proud to announce that my chubs is one brave little baby! I held her hands while the PD jabbed her and she let out a cry but the moment I popped her pacifier into her mouth and carry her in my arms, she quietened down immediately without much fuss! Even the PD commented she was brave on top of saying she's developed quite well and is rather strong(after assessing her for her 6-month mark). Guess chubs has more or less gotten use to the injections(so much braver than her mummy :P). So happy and proud of her!

Upon reaching home, she was in a rather "pretty" mood and kept chucking and smiling when we played with her. There was this moment when she was particularly taken with her Nai nai and kept laughing and chuckling at whatever Nai nai is saying to her. So cute! Series of photos to follow:

This last photo shows her in such a grown-up angle and I can't believe my baby has grown so much ...

I wish time will be slow enough for me to savour her growing up process, yet fast enough for me to witness her adult years. What an oxymoronic sentence ...

I love you so much chubs!

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