Pictures of chubs on her 6th month(pictures show how much she loves the camera!):
A mummy's amateurish efforts in documenting days of her daughter's life so she has something to look back on when the days zoom past.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
The day chubs started on solids
As chubs is approaching the 6-month mark in a day's time, we all agreed that it's time to start her on solids. For the past 2-3 weeks, she has been showing keen interest in whatever we are having and wants to have a share and since she can also sit and stand without support(for a little while), we decided that it's time!
So MIL and I went off for grocery shopping at NTUC at AMK hub and I picked this for chubs before starting her on my MIL's porridge:
We mixed the cereal/milk with a little bit of warm water just like what we'd do for her milk and contained it in the utensils her grand auntie bought for her(as shown in the picture above). She took to the cereal rather well and MIL decided that she would start her on her homecooked porridge tomorrow. Seems like my chubs is already to enter the adult world of eating! hahaha... i know it's still too early to say this, but it's a start somewhat! Pictures to follow:
"Ok now, where's my mum mum?"
"Okaay... so this is it?"
"MMmmm ... tastes rather good!"
Yay! Happy baby!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
First taste of pear puree!
We had to make a trip to Alvin's Aunty and Uncle's place today to pay respects to his grandfather as it's his death anniversary today. But before that, we spent some time with chubs at Alvin's mum and after much persuasion, agreed to let chubs have her first taste of pear puree.
Papa don't preach!
the pear puree - pear was cooked and blended using the Philips Avent Steam Blender I bought at Motherhood Expo few weeks back
Daddy giving her the first taste of pear puree
chubs can't wait to have a taste of that! didn't really seem to like it though - might be too warm or tasteless for her
As I wanted to start her on solids proper on Monday, I stopped them from feeding her after her few licks of the puree. And off we went to Alvin's Aunty/Uncle's place!
Meeting one of her cousins - she was so eager to make friends with him and she went ahead to sayang and almost hugged him! My friendly chubs! But the poor little boy was so scared he cried the moment chubs got near.
chubs forgetting her manners when she went ahead and grabbed her grandaunt's hair (the little boy in this pic is the older brother of the toddler in the previous pic)
chubs lookin' handsome!
My chubs trying to do "push-ups" and attempted to crawl on her granduncle's bed while her cousin looked on
Chubs, mummy loveeeeees you!
Friday, June 25, 2010
My dear little chubs has developed a little swell and lump at her thigh where she had a 6-in-1 vaccine on Monday. Till today, it has not gone down - in fact, the lump has grown harder and larger. But one good thing is, chubs is still her usual self and the swell doesn't seem to hurt or disturb her. Still, I'm a little worried and called SBCC up to check if this is normal and if it requires a trip down. Thankfully, it's a harmless swelling that should go down soon if we apply warm press to the area religiously and rub the area.
for at least 0.5cm around where the jab is, there was a slight swell and lump beneath
Hope the lump goes away soon!
By the way, today marks the day Daddy and Mummy go together 7 years ago, chubs!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Same same!
Posted photos of chubs in an outfit bought by my MIL(refer to photos below) and my ex-colleague commented that her daughter has the exact same outfit too, also bough by her MIL in Malaysia. Such a coincidence! Guess our MILs think alike :)
Trying to turn
She loves playing with her feet and nom-ing(!) them now
That's all for today!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Attempting to crawl
Now chubs is reaching 6 months of age, she's attempting to crawl by pushing her butt sky high and burying her head into the mattress and pushing herself forward. It's cute lah!
Captured some pictures of her sleeping(she's moving a lot in her sleep at this point) :
Her original position when she first fell asleep - head was face-up on the polka-dotted pillow
After her shower in the evening:
Entertaining the guest of the evening - Jasmine
Jas and XY encouraging chubs to crawl towards her pacifier
End of entry! Whatcha lookin' at?
Monday, June 21, 2010
6-in-1 vaccine
After much postponement due to chubs' sickness and her PD being on leave, chubs is finally due for her 6-in-1 vaccine today! But still one hiccup, the nurses made a mistake regarding chubs' PD's leave and he is still not back today so we had to contend with another PD as I do not want to push back the date again. I arranged to meet my MIL at the clinic straight and when they reached, my MIL told me chubs poo-ed big time all over herself and they had to rush to clean her up before leaving the house.
Hahaha ... I find this photo funny as she had her body stiff and couldn't really fit on the scale anymore!
7.9 kgs at 5 months 23 days
67.5 cm in height
43 cm in head circumference
trying to grab my camera while I took a photo of her
I am proud to announce that my chubs is one brave little baby! I held her hands while the PD jabbed her and she let out a cry but the moment I popped her pacifier into her mouth and carry her in my arms, she quietened down immediately without much fuss! Even the PD commented she was brave on top of saying she's developed quite well and is rather strong(after assessing her for her 6-month mark). Guess chubs has more or less gotten use to the injections(so much braver than her mummy :P). So happy and proud of her!
Upon reaching home, she was in a rather "pretty" mood and kept chucking and smiling when we played with her. There was this moment when she was particularly taken with her Nai nai and kept laughing and chuckling at whatever Nai nai is saying to her. So cute! Series of photos to follow:
This last photo shows her in such a grown-up angle and I can't believe my baby has grown so much ...
I wish time will be slow enough for me to savour her growing up process, yet fast enough for me to witness her adult years. What an oxymoronic sentence ...
I love you so much chubs!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day!
Today's Father's Day and we decided to go out for lunch with Alvin's family as a way of celebrating. But before that, we had to attend my cousin, Samantha's, baby full month celebration. Her sweet baby's Tanya Eeo. Samantha hired a professional baby photographer to take pictures of Tanya during her 1st month and the photos were gorgeous! It cost her $250 but I think it's money well spent though personally I would not bear to spend so much on the shoot :P
The pretty lass with her brother
Tanya with her professionally taken photos during her 1st month
After the full month celebration, we took off to my in-laws' place and waited for them to get ready before we set off to Vivocity for lunch. Lunch was at Modesto's after much discussion.
Chuckling at XY's efforts to make her laugh
With her two doting aunties who love her to bits
With her doting Nai nai and Ye ye who love her to bits to(actually difficult to find someone who doesn't love her lah! hahaha)
Finally a nice family portrait of 3 of us!
Daddy, can I have what you're having? Please?
Up, up and away!
I like how chubs pose in this shot
Dessert at this place called Fruit Paradise or something(forgot the name) that's helmed by a Japanese pastry chef - wide variety of pretty desserts and teas there
the tarts we ordered
And with that, chubs celebrated Father's Day by spending the day with 3 daddies! - My dad at the full month celebration, Alvin and his dad at lunch :)
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