I was on leave today and planned on going over to my in-laws' later in the afternoon. As I was still lazing in bed, I got a call from my MIL saying chubs wasn't feeling very well and coughing rather badly. She also has a very blocked nose and can barely breathe well, resulting in a disturbed sleep. They(both chubs and MIL) couldn't sleep well for the whole of Sunday night and Monday as chubs was coughing and gasping for air and very cranky. As much as she wanted to suck on her pacifier, she couldn't do it as she's now breathing through her mouth. Sucking the pacifier would mean not being able to breathe.
Decided to bring chubs for consultation at SBCC and took a cab to my MIL's so we could go together in 1 cab. As chubs' PD was on leave, we had to make do with another PD who was standing in for him.
Weighing in at 7.5 kgs
Once we got into the consultation room, the PD(Dr Goh) could hear right away that chubs' nose is way too congested to take the normal medication. He suggested using a machine to clear all her mucus as nose drops will not do the trick for such a blocked nose. According to my MIL, it's a painful process to watch as it's super uncomfortable for babies. She wasn't in favour of it as she can't bear to see chubs go through that. After confirming with Dr Goh that it's the best way to make her feel better, I decided to go ahead with it no matter how painful it's going to be. Boy, was I in for a heartbreaking session.
MIL couldn't bring herself to go into the treatment room with chubs and so only I was there with chubs and the nurse who's going to administer the treatment. The machine works like a vacuum cleaner and has a thin, long tubing which goes into babies' nose to suck out all mucus. I cannot even imagine how uncomfortable it will be to have that machine work on my nose, let alone chubs!
The nurse laid chubs on the bed and the moment she laid down, she wailed because she couldn't breathe well and mucus just "flew out" from her nose. The nurse had to swaddle her to prevent her from kicking and once she's under control, the nurse put the tubing into her nostrils and switched on the machine. The noise from the machine and the suction from the machine coupled with the fact she had no control over her body(cos she's swaddled), chubs began wailing REALLY LOUDLY. Not to mention heartbreaking. I have NEVER seen/heard her wail that way before. I held on to her feet tightly and kept telling her “妈咪在这里,不要怕!” ("Don't be afraid, Mummy's here!") My heart just broke and I began sobbing along with her. Even now as I'm typing this, my eyes welled up as the scene re-run in my mind. I was even wondering if she's thinking why mummy is doing that to her. After what seemed like eternity and sucking out a whole lot of mucus later, it's finally over. I quickly held her in my arms to comfort her and calm her down, letting her know everything is over. Immediately I could hear the difference in her breathing. She could breathe a lot easier and her wheezing was reduced drastically. As painful as the process was, I was glad I opted for that.
She felt so much better after the treatment that she fell asleep(which she had to failed to do so since yesterday night) in my arms on the way back to my MIL's place. Although the nap was a rather short one, we were glad she managed to get some rest and good thing was, she wasn't lethargic and was back to her active, bubbly self.
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