After Monday's treatment for her blocked nose, we thought that would be the end of it for chubs and she's just going to get better. However, on my way back from work, I received a call from hubs saying she's coughing very badly and has an on-off fever the entire day(I heard this from my MIL too when I called her in the afternoon). They decided it was bad enough to make another trip to SBCC.
I met them there and since chubs was sleeping when I saw them, I thought things weren't so bad afterall. But my MIL said chubs had been coughing very badly through out the day and couldn't lie down properly. The moment she's being laid down, she will start coughing. This time round, we had Dr Ratna(chubs' PD is on leave till 4 Jun) look at chubs. After listening to her lungs, Dr Ratna said that chubs has a lot of phlegm and suggested using a nebulizer for chubs to inhale Ventolin(a medication to clear her airway) since she is not reacting well to taking Ventolin orally. Again, MIL said it's going to be a painful process for chubs and wasn't very keen on it. But this time round, hubs and I decided to go ahead with it as long as it's going to make chubs feel better.
During the process, my in-laws had to be there as they had to learn how to operate the nebulizer since they are chubs' primary caregivers. We had to loan the nebulizer and conduct the treatment on chubs thrice a day until Friday morning in order to eliminate her cough. The whole process wasn't as painful as I'd imagined it to be. With some of the information I found online and what I witnessed, basically it's like this:
- the nurse placed the liquid into the medication chamber of the nebulizer
- with one end of the face mask attached to the drug chamber and compressor, the nurse placed the other end over chubs' nose and mouth. Chubs had to breathe and inhale the medicine(approx. 5-10 mins) and the treatment was completed when the drug chamber had emptied totally.
There was some crying but it was nothing compared to yesterday's wailing. This time round, the treatment is much better because:
(1) Nothing was inserted into chubs,
(2) chubs was in my MIL's lap and was held by her, and
(3) the Ventolin vapour that chubs had to inhale was odorless.
Her crying was more of a panicky cry and could be due to the following reasons:
(a) the sound of the machine,
(b) she could see clouds of vapour in front of her, blurring her vision,
(c) MIL held on to her and restricted her movements, and
(d) the face mask was over her nose and mouth.
As with yesterday's treatment for her nose, we could also sense an improvement in her cough and breathing after this nebulizer treatment.
Upon reaching my in-laws' place, we all felt chubs feeling better and my MIL said that as compared to the afternoon, chubs is now coughing much lesser and her cough sounds much better. Not as "tight" as before. Chubs looked and felt as active as before and when hubs and me left for home, she was rather smiley and alert and that set my mind at ease. What a relief!