Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Hari Raya Haji! and more on Baby Jamie...

Yes, this is another Baby Jamie-related post. You can't run away from it just like how I can't run away from Baby Jamie! (not that I'd want to though)

Since Baby Jamie came home on 14th Nov, I have been coming over almost everyday to help out with a little of cleaning up here, a little of feeding there. As my mum (Yes, MY mum, not Jamie's mum) was not in favor of getting a confinement nanny due to various reasons, my bro had to turn to me for some advice on how to deal with a baby. I went over to clean Baby Jamie's body as well as provide a little bit of advice on breastfeeding and the proper storage of breastmilk. 

reaching out to us

does this give you a clue what the date is today?? my sis managed to capture this cute photo after I left

another of Jamie's cute expressions

After hanging out at my parents', we decided to bring my in-laws and chubs to Vivocity for some shopping (to utilise the vouchers courtesy of Aunty Pat) and headed home after a short while.

couldn't help taking pictures of the Xmas tree at Vivocity - chubs lovesss Xmas decor! She shrieks and squeals whenever she sees Xmas decor especially at the sight the glittery balls.

Kiddy ride-hopping - her Ye ye carried and let her "test ride" 4 rides on a mini carousel while we were settling stuffs at the Customer Service counter

chubs half-crying and half doing her cutecute face to make me carry her

after seeing me put the TV remote on my head (haii ... things you do to attract a child's attraction), this little imp parrot my actions!

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