Yesterday evening after work, I went to my in-laws to have dinner and a piece of En en. When I arrived at the door, she was lying on her previous mattress with "audience" surrounding her, watching her every move and "conversing" with her. To digress a little - Both my family and my hubs' adore babies and are very involved with her growing up process, buying her gifts every now and then and coaxing her whenever she throws her princessy tantrums(which is rather frequent!). Most importantly, they are more than happy to help us take care of her every need whenever my hubs and I are not around. I shall not go into details how they have helped for this post will then be neverending. I'd just like to express my sincerest thanks to them for loving my baby like she's their own and I find myself very blessed.
ANYWAYS! Back to yesterday ... once I arrived at my in-laws', I "talked" to her for a while, making sure she's aware of her mummy's presence and also because I simply miss her too much!
After dinner, I went to my in-laws' bedroom(where En en's cot is situated) for more of her. We let her have a bit of tummy time to "check" on her progress and when she started crying for milk, I got hubs to get it ready while I "ang keng"(a sound that she often makes) with her. I took the chance to feed her to increase our bonding. Actually up till now I'm not sure if she recognises me as her mummy or my MIL cos she doesn't seem to acknowledge my presence as much as my MIL i_i. This is most probably due to the fact that my MIL is the one taking care of her all day long and I'm just seeing her for 1-2 hours in the evening - something I want to improve on so we can have a closer bond. Having said that, I would not want her to be too clingy to me too lest she suffers from separation anxiety when I go to work.
Anyhows, here are a few pictures from yesterday to end off this post:
Contented baby after feeding
A couple of scratches on her head due to her constant scratching of the head/scalp
Two of her favorite items at the moment - Caterpillar with classical music/melodies/songs illustrating colors, numbers and animals and her little bolster that she has very recently learnt how to hug.
Two of her favorite items at the moment - Caterpillar with classical music/melodies/songs illustrating colors, numbers and animals and her little bolster that she has very recently learnt how to hug.
Till tomorrow then, my little darling!
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