Thursday, April 29, 2010

4 months old today!

From this :
in her 3rd month

to this!
in her 4th month

Happy 4th month darling!
Daddy and mummy love you loads!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First professional haircut in 4 months!

Chubs turned 4 months today! (according to the lunar calendar) Had to follow through some practices to "celebrate" her turning 4 month old. First up, a haircut! Heard from my MIL that chubs was very obedient throughout the session and did not utter a sound. MIL attributed it to a ritual she performed on chubs before going to the salon - putting a wok cover over her head. Supposedly to make her first hair-cutting session a tantrum-free one ^_^ 

After the haircut, she was taken home to "walk" around my MIL's house in her walker. While on the walker, MIL took a variety of food - mushroom, biscuits, chicken drumstick, and let chubs taste them. This "food-tasting" session was supposed to prevent chubs from being a picky eater when she starts on solids. Not sure if there's pictures of this session but there's definitely videos taken by XY. Will upload when there's a chance :P

Chubs at the hair salon having her hair professionally cut

 Looking a tad grouchy when I reached in-laws' house

 Getting changed into her sleepwear

 All changed and ready for bed with her new boyboy haircut!

Short entry

When I reached my in-laws' place after work and looked for chubs, this was what I found:
The little princess dozed off while watching TV and has stayed in this position for at least half an hour

So funny and cute right?! Makes my heart melt only! She's so tired that even when my MIL passed her on to me, she didn't even wake up.

After she finally woke up from her nap, we put her in the walker again:
Her right hand trying to hit the buttons but failed

The walker(Mamalove) in its entirety

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sick puppy

Since Sunday night till this morning, chubs and my in-laws did not have good night's sleep as chubs was sniffing and couldn't breathe properly throughout the night. She had a bit of a congested nose and come morning, watery mucus dripped from her nose and that prompted my MIL to bring her to SBCC. She was worried that the runny nose might develop into a full blown flu/cold and we totally cannot deal with chubs suffering from fever.

Upon reaching home after the trip to the clinic, chubs was much better and the mucus seemed non-existent even BEFORE taking any medication. Thus my MIL did not start her on any medication(we wanted to prevent her from taking any medication at such a tender age).

As I got a little worried upon hearing that little chubs is sick, I took 1/2 day leave and rushed home to see her. Set my mind at ease once I saw her because she seemed rather fine to me. Thank goodness :)

The supposedly sick little puppy

Since she's fine and appeared rather active, we sat her in the walker my MIL bought on Sunday. Apparently once she's reached 4 months of age, she has to sit in her walker and "pattern pattern" abit so that explains why we bought one so early. She seemed rather baffled by all the lights, music, buttons and toys on the walker. We kept pressing the different buttons and trying to get her to touch the accessories with her fingers but she didn't seem impressed with it.

Not showing any interest in the new toy

Took her out of it after she got a little grouchy and irritated with the noise and the fact that she was rendered immobile by it didn't help.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's updates regarding her lunar 4-month-old ritual!


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sexy Sunday

After talking to my mum at 9ish in the morning, I decided to bring little chubs along to meet my parents and sis for breakfast. Showered and dressed her up in a sexy outfit(courtesy of Kim & family). Thought she might not take well to the hot weather and the lack of air-con but she behaved really well! No tantrums at all ... Phews!

Brought her home after brekkie and just lazed around, camwhoring with her. Look at the pictures below and you'll see how sexy her outfit is ...

That's some serious cleavage for a baby!

Looking out the window, admiring the brilliant weather outside. Love this pose! Looks like something out of a contemporary dance, no?

Her signature frown

Me getting little chubs to stand

Popo playing with chubs

Looking lovingly into Gonggong's eyes during feeding time

Gonggong giving chubs a little hug and kiss (love this picture!)

 Chubs playing with Gonggong and practising her "无影脚"

The entire afternoon was spent playing with Gonggong and Popo (with short naps in between - both for chubs and the adults) until they had to leave for their MJ appointments.

Sandra Moo(ex-colleague of mine from my Mediacorp PA days) dropped by in the evening for a long-awaited visit. She has been wanting to see chubs for the longest time but we just didn't manage to fix a date until now. She was very taken with chubs(because she has a baby niece at home as well) and kept clicking away with her iphone. Despite the fact that chubs has not seen Sandra before, chubs seemed to be very taken with her because she kept chuckling when Sandra played "peek-a-boo" with her. Sandra did manage to get a couple of nice pictures of chubs laughing. Wait till I download the pictures from her OK?

After an hour of playing with Sandra ah yee, chubs was whisked away by her Nainai and Grandma(daddy's Godma/Aunt) at 7ish and that, my friends, was how little chubs spent her Sunday :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Chuckles-filled Saturday

Sidenote: For the life of me, I find it challenging to come up with titles!

Because hubs was on shift yesterday and got off work late, we did not bring chubs home with us yesterday night. So this morning, we went to his mum's place at 10ish so we could bring chubs home or wherever we wanna spend our Saturday.

She was in a singlet and cute little skirt when we reached and boy does she look uber cute in that singlet! Actually she looks cute in almost anything lah! You can put a rag cloth on her and she'll still be oozing cuteness! Yes, I'm biased, so what? Almost all mummies are! Hehe ...

You have to look at this picture rather closely to see an outline of a pacifier around her mouth

Haha.. one of her "老人" expressions

Some daddy-daughter bonding time

Daddy letting chubs stand and chubs enjoying it!

Taking a break before... 

Hopping and standing again!

She really loves to stand and hop! After discovering these new abilities, she keeps wanting to do it. Note to self: time to get non-slip socks!

We all decided to lunch out together and after everybody got ready, we proceeded to Sembawang Shopping Centre in hubs' car. We had lunch at Astons' and luckily chubs didn't give us a difficult time when we were eating. Brought her to Daiso for some shopping when we were done with Aston.

Little chubs looking a tad grouchy after we spent a little too much time at Daiso(she's in a Chicco baby carrier courtesy of Weixian and Shujuan)

Little chubs got a little grouchy after some time and we had to visit the babycare room a couple of times for feeds and change of diapers. She did not manage to finish her feed at one go and thus we had to go in twice to try to finishing feeding her. Her appetite doesn't seem good so we gave up after a couple of tries.

Took her to Giant for more shopping after her feed. At one point, we stopped at one of the aisles to play with her. Her 爷爷, 奶奶, grandma(hubs' godma/aunt), 大姑(XY), Daddy were playing with her when she suddenly started chuckling intermittently. She was very tickled by what they were doing and was chuckling audibly, making all of us burst out laughing at her. SO CUTE! XY managed to record it in her phone and when I promise to load it here after getting the clip from her.

After we ended our shopping at SSC, we decided to all go back to my place to hang out for the rest of the evening.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Fun Friday

Little chubs has been wanting to stand up straight the whole of today so when I get home after work, MIL got her to "perform" for us:

The little proud ballerina(her cute polka-dotted romper courtesy of XY - her 大姑)
May I add that my MIL looks super young and pretty in this pic?? She can pass off as my chubs' mummy!

Hahah.. the two pictures show a tired baby resting after failing to turn her body fully and not being able to turn back. She stayed in this position for a while - not moving, not talking, not playing - before we finally coaxed her to sleep.

And that's all for our Friday folks!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Not in the mood

Edit: Managed to get a picture of the teether toy and NUK glass bottle I bought for the little chups on Wednesday. There's a Pigeon bolster as well but I took the cover out to wash before snapping a photo of it.

Our little precious was still not in the mood to "perform" yesterday :( All of us(XY, hubs, MIL, Aunty Pat) made numerous attempts to get her to turn and lie on her tummy. She either got distracted by the TV or by us talking or she just refused to go further than the halfway mark. Below are pictures of her attempts:

After failing to get her to turn on her own, we decided to help with the turning and let her enjoy some "tummy time":

Getting her to reach out for her toy

I have been trying to get her to play with the toy shown above since 2 months ago but she has only very recently started to acknowledge the toy's presence. Heard from my MIL she seems to love this toy(courtesy of WY, CZ, Kim, Long, Kaitlyn and Keiran. Thanks!) at the moment. I myself love this toy too and have even given it a name - Timmy! Heehee...

Watching the TV intently. She loves watching TV, must have gotten it from me. Oh no!

Ending this post with a super schweeeet photo:
Altogether now - AWWWwwww.....


Better mood!

Thursday, 22 April
My little princess seemed to be in a better mood today though still a teeny weeny bit grouchy. When I arrived at my in-laws' place, she was shifting in her sleep in her cot. Turns out it's feeding time! While I was feeding her, she was a little grouchy but she managed to finish most of her feed.

Half an hour after her feed, my MIL gave her her evening shower. The moment my MIL undressed her and wrapped her up in her towel, she gave a big grin because she simply loves bathtime! She was rather happy when my MIL was showering her, guess she felt hot and sticky after a hot and humid afternoon and must be really relieved to finally have her evening shower.

Changed to her sleepwear!

Haha ... the reason why she had all her sleeves and pants rolled up was because we didn't have the air-con on and was worried she might perspire badly. My in-laws normally only switch on the air-con during bedtime or if it's especially hot during the day. Since it wasn't her bedtime yet when we changed her, we rolled up her clothes to make it a little cooler for her. I don't know why but whenever I see her like this, it reminds me of a housewife all ready to do household chores! Hehehe...

After another change of diapers, all ready for bed now!

And with that, I left her to sleep and went home. Till tomorrow baby!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Grouchy Tuesday

As I've mentioned yesterday, my little angel has learnt how to turn to lie on her tummy and I wanted to see her "perform" after work. But when I arrived at my in-laws' place, I was told by my MIL that baby seemed to have wind in her tummy and had been rather grouchy. In addition, she had just finished her milk when I arrived, so I didn't make her perform. I just let her lie on the "rocker net" (I'm not too sure what's that called but it's the yellow net thing in the pictures shown later) and coax her.

Here she is, listening intently to what her Daddy was saying to her Grandma (with one of her favourite items, the hanky, no less).

And here, taking in Grandma's replies to her Daddy.

Notice how the hanky didn't leave her hands? She now has the habit of putting hankies(or any other fabrics for that matter) in her mouth and "nom-ing" them, getting her saliva all over it. Whenever I wipe her drool with a hanky, she will smile and try to lick the hanky. And whenever we carry her in the "stand-up" style, she will also go "nom-ing" at our clothes at the shoulders. And recently she has learnt to grab her own clothes(if they are big and loose enough) at the chest and bring it to her mouth for a "nom-ing" session.
More pictures to follow below:

Chuckling when I "talked" and played with her

After playing with her for just a little while, she poo-ed big time(with the usual louds poopoo sounds and smell) and I lifted her from the rocker, wanting to change her diapers. Just when I was about to carry her in my arms cradle-style, I thought I saw poo stains on the hanky that was left on the rocker. My hubs then exclaimed, "There's poo on her clothes!!" Woah! My immediate reaction was to retract my body from her and carried her to my in-laws' bedroom with my arms outstretched. When I put her down on the diaper changing mat, I tried to shift her around, trying to see where the leak was from. Turns out the poo leaked from back of the diaper and onto her back and clothes and the hanky she was playing with somehow got between her back and the rocker, and that explained the stains I saw. 4 adults(my MIL, FIL, helper and myself) then got busy just trying to clean her back and change her in order to make her feel comfortable soonest possible. Once changed, she felt so much more comfortable(evident from her expressions) and was in a better mood abeit feeling grouchy very soon after.

After changing her into her sleepwear(courtesy of my big brother when he visited me at the hospital)

A-ha! Finally managed to get pictures of her half-turned body I mentioned in the previous entry. She wasn't in the mood to do a full one as she was rather tired by then.

Did however manage to get a few laughs from her before she finally drifted off to sleep

As I wanted to spend more time with her, I stayed in the bedroom, just lying beside her, seeing her fall asleep. With the lights off, I laid beside the fidgety and sleepy princess, just hugging her, resting her hands on my face, and looking at her angelic face. Her chubby little hands rested on my face, occassionally grabbing and caressing my cheeks and ears. I can't find an apt enough word to describe that heart-warming moment, but at that point, I felt a rush of emotions and I felt like I can just lie like that forever. Even as I'm typing this now, I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy inside and I just want to smell her and cuddle her right now.

"En en, please know that although mummy is not with you during the day most of the time, my heart is with you and I miss you alot."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

She did it!

Call from my MIL at 8.48a.m this morning:

“跟你讲一个好消息!你 Baby 会翻了!”

She can finally now flip from lying on her back to her tummy! This is something that we all know is going to happen within these 2 weeks as she has been doing "half turns/flips" for the past week or more. For the past 1 week plus, she has been trying very hard to turn her body but always got stuck at the halfway mark, her head being unable to turn fully. Come to think of it now, I realise I do not have any pictures of her "half-turned" body :( I'm keeping my fingers crossed either Amanda or Xinyi has the pictures.

Now that she is able to turn fully to lie on her tummy, I think it will be a challenge of getting a picture of her stuck at the halfway mark(which I find very cute and a little hilarious). For the last 2 weekends, in the middle of the night, I heard her "talking" quite loudly and when I stood up to take a look, she would always be stuck at the halfway mark(with her eyes closed). So I guess her "loud talking" was "asking for help" from anyone who cared enough to help turn her back as she did not have enough strength to turn her body back. Whenever I turned her to lie on her back, she would fall asleep immediately again before "screaming for help" couple of hours later.

Last Sunday, I told my mum this when I brought the little angel to her place - that she can turn to her side but not enough strength to either turn herself back or to lie on her tummy. So, my mum(always being the garang one) pushed my little angel to lie on her side and let her try "flipping/turning" herself either way. And guess what?? The little genius managed to turn herself to lie on her back within 10 tries! (with my sis and mum being witnesses) I was having my brunch with my dad then, when we both heard applause from my parents' bedroom. I rushed into the room, thinking she has finally turned to lie on her tummy only to find out it was the other way(which I'm glad for too!). For the rest of the day, she managed to do a few more flips by swinging her chubby legs wildly back. But there was this one time when she got tired of trying and fell asleep at the halfway mark, which was a hilarious scene but one which I forgot to take pictures of! Too absorbed by the moment ... what a waste!

Anyways, will be dropping by to spend time with her after work today. Hopefully she will be in the mood to "perform" for us and let me take some pictures to share. Ohhh, I can't wait to see her!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Her favourite pose as of now

Mighty good at multitasking I must say! My sis and I are now thinking of collecting photos of her in this pose and see how many we will get :) I actually recall having more photos of her in this pose in my photos database but I will have to go dig them up and post them all up(if I'm not too lazy to :P)

Till the next post!