Monday, February 28, 2011

New haircut

pottering around in her PJs and her new haircut
bunny ears courtesy of Amanda Xiao Gu

Yakult happiness
my cheeky little imp

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Little chubs trying her bestest to sip from a straw:

Sip, sip, sip with water dripping everywhere

dinner with my family

Monday, February 21, 2011

A walk in the park

Brought Ash to the park downstairs for a walk and look what she has decided to bring along!

slinging the little carrier like a real lady - fyi nobody put the carrier on for her, she did it herself

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Snapshots of the day:

Particularly like this shot of her:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just another Saturday

the little bundle of energy insisted on wearing this necklace and pranced around the house

Later in the evening, we brought her to one of Hubs' colleague's housewarming party in Pasir Ris. There were plenty of little children there and chubs seemed to blend in quite well, allowing Hubs' colleagues to carry her without much fuss. Only thing was, she just wanted to walk and run around on her own - been told it's like that with children who just started walking, can't walk to explore the world with their own little feet.
Dua gu enticing her with BBQ food

a very nice family portrait taken by Hubs' colleague at the BBQ

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Chirpy start to my nice Sunday morning

the vainpot who insisted on wearing one of my necklaces
Chubs is feeling and looking good (under my tender loving care haha) so yes, the world is beautiful again. Hee. After her episode with roseola, I came to know that during the same period of time, a couple of other children were also down with fever or roseola:
- Han's(my ex-colleague from FX) daughter down with roseola
- Cousin Jacq's girl (she's only a few months old!) down with roseola
- Ginny's girl down with high fever
- Claryce down with fever (OK, she's technically not a child but)

Come to think of it, chubs did get in contact with 3 of the above over the first few days of LNY so I'm not sure if they contracted it from one another. 

Thank god everyone recovered (albeit with some heartache) and yes, everything's good again! 

A long week with Roseola

After having almost a whole week of fun visiting and having friends over at our place, I sent Ash back to my in-laws when we got back to work on Monday. Come Monday early afternoon, I received a call from my MIL informing me that Ash is having low grade fever, which we thought nothing much of, except to give her some paracetamol to keep the fever down.

Day 2 (Tuesday)
Fever was kept down the previous night with 6-hourly paracetamol. However, once a dose is skipped (thinking her fever is gone), her fever will come back. As of Tue afternoon, her fever shot up to 38+ degrees. Went to SBCC and was told to administer neurofen (for high fever) in between her paracetamol doses and monitor Ash's behavior. Most important thing to note when a baby/child is having fever is to keep a look out for any change in behavior - lethargy, listlessness, restlessness, crankiness. As Ash did not exihibit any of the above, the doctor told us not to worry and to just continue monitoring Ash's condition and only bring her in should she become lethargic or if she's still having fever on Friday.

Around 8ish, we realised Ash is running temperature of 40 degrees. MIL panicked. I asked around (on FB and calling people up) and was told not to panic and to continue sponging her and giving her medication on time. Ash is still not exhibiting any unusual behavior so we decided to wait it out till next morning before we decide if we should bring her to the doctor's again.

Day 2 - cheery baby who doesn't seem to be having high fever

Day 3 (Wednesday)
Fever hovered around 38-39 degrees previous night and this morning. Reached a peak of 40 degrees again. Called SBCC again and the nurse mentioned that we should just continue administering the combination of paracetamol and neurofen in addition to sponging her to keep her temperature down and it shouldn't be anything too worrying if she doesn't exhibit any unusual behaviour. But MIL and I got really worried when the temperature kept fluctuating between 38-40 degrees and wouldn't go back to normal. Even when it's back to 37.8 degrees, it would shoot straight up again once the medicine wore off. 

Nurse said it might be a viral infection and did not provide additional diagnosis as she mentioned that the fever should go away butif it doesn't by end of the week, we should go for a blood test.

Weird thing so far is, Ash wasn't particularly cranky/lethargic/restless and was very much her usual self. Still playing, still active, still smiley and did not sleep much more than usual. So that set my mind at ease a little, since any change in her behaviour could indicate brain damage (as was told to me repeatedly by people around me).

Day 3 - braving the high fever

Day 4 (Thursday)
Fever still hovering around 38 degrees but very much under control compared to the past 2 days so we decided to wait one more day to see if the fever is kept at bay. As per doctor's advice, we were supposed to wait till Friday as viral fever usually takes a few days to clear, so if Ash is still having fever, then we will bring her to the doctor's again.

Day 5 (Friday)
Fever shot up again and since I had to go to the office to clear backlog accumulated over the past few days, Hubs had to take the day off and bring Ash to the doctor's. Upon examination, doctor suggested bringing Ash to the polyclinic for a blood test to ensure there's no major infection going on. Upon learning that from Hubs, I immediately took 1/2 day again to be with Ash. When I met up with them, the blood test was over and results was out. No detection of anything. Phews. Doctor again said it could just be a viral/bacterial infection that will go away in a matter of days. There was nothing they could do as well.

Come evening,  we realised Ash's fever seems to be stablising. Brought her home from the in-laws so we could let her have a change of environment and to see if everything can go uphill from there. Throughout the night, the fever seemed to be kept at bay and no more fluctuating temperatures anymore! Decided to monitor again tomorrow to see if we could say "YAY!" for sure.

Day 6 (Saturday)
Yay! Ash's fever is down and her temperature is back to normal without the help of any medication for the past 12 hours! My poor little baby was so afraid of taking the medication and my heart ached at the sight of her puffy eyes, eye bags - result of taking in so much medication over the past few days.

When I was bathing her as usual, I noticed angry rashes at her back. Thinking it to be heat rashes (something she is prone to since birth), I did not think too much of it. However, when she was napping, I noticed her eyes were unusually puffy, and she seemed to have rashes on her face, neck, arms and legs! Hubs didn't think anything much of it at first but when the rashes seemed to increase, we decided another trip to the doctor's is necessary.

Once the doctor examined Ash all over and took note of the past week's events, he finally was able to give us a diagnosis. Ash had Roseola. Nothing life-threatening, it's a childhood disease that affects around 90% of babies/toddlers between 6 months and 3 years old. It's contagious and doctor mentioned that Ash could have gotten it from someone. Will not go into details regarding the disease but you can find it here. The good thing about the rashes is - they only appear when the child has recovered from the disease and the onset of the rashes also mean that the fever will be gone. No more treatment is required because the rashes will clear within the next 3-4 days. A wave of relief washed over me. That means the battle is over and my baby is well on the way to full recovery! A BIG YAY!

the mentioned rashes - did not take one of Ash's face because it looked rather scary
Such an ordeal. I wouldn't put my worst enemy through this. There is no words to describe a parent's pain at seeing their child go through illnesses/diseases no matter how minor it is. We were lucky that Ash did not for once exhibit pain or extreme carnkiness (except when taking medication, she screamed like nobody's business) that would otherwise tear our hearts more. All she wanted was just more hugs and cuddles, which we were more than happy to give. She was very thankfully still very much her usual chirpy and smiley self. My brave little princess, she is.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Still on LNY

Today we had some friends over for LNY and a couple of them brought their children along to play. Pity I didn't take much pictures when they were around because I was pottering around, trying to be half-host, half-mum. Pictures to follow:

Ash in her cute Yakuta we got for her during our Jap trip last year

Looking cute!

watching TV intently with her fav


having fun in her little hut of balls before the crowd arrived - this little hut proved to be a crowd fav and she was the envy of all kids for having this

Changed her into another Jap-inspired romper courtesy of Grand-Aunty Theresa
Yes I know she's seem with candies in a couple of pictures... but don't worry, she didn't consume any of those because mummy (your truly) told her it's inedible. Haha...

Friday, February 4, 2011

2nd day of CNY - 2nd Lo Hei

Just a picture of Ash's 2nd Lo Hei (first was on LNY eve):

Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Day of LNY!

This is Ash's 2nd LNY and I'm happy to say that by now, she knows how to do the "Gong Xi Gong Xi" action and can walk by herself just in time for this festive occasion.


Playing around at home before we set off visiting

First stop - Yeye and Nainai's place

2nd stop - Great-grandpa's place (that's Alvin's Uncle with Ash)

Ash has learnt how to pray in front of altars and here she is pointing at one

3rd stop - Gong gong and Popo's house(seen here with Yeeyee)

4th stop - Great-grandma's place (with my cousin Alice and her baby boy, Davis)
Poor baby was so bushed she fell asleep mid-visiting

Last stop - Nainai's place for dinner

All stops named above were the major important stops where we stayed the longest. Total visiting for the day: 8-10 stops!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Reunion Dinner

here's Ash trying to do a "Gong Xi Gong Xi"

Dinner at Tung Lok Signatures at Central - with two of her favourites

with the best mummy in the world ... HAHAHA

This reunion dinner was with my in-laws and we had it at Tung Lok Signatures at Central (Clarke Quay). Food was so-so but as expected on LNY eve, it was super packed! Ash had her first Lo Hei and I think she quite enjoyed it!