Because of some reasons lately, I've been surfing around and reading random mummies' blogs and looking at what content their blog contain. Little did I know (well, maybe I know but am in denial, haha) that I have been living in my own cocoon. I thought I am a slightly hardworking and well-informed mummy who's doing enough just doing random surfing of the internet and throwing sharing of information I'd found on the internet with chubs' primary caregiver, my MIL, and keeping her updated with the latest techniques or new foods that are beneficial to babies. Well, WHAT DO I KNOW?? There's a wealth of mummies' knowledge out there with a pool of knowledgeable mummies / mummy-to-bes who know wayyyyy more than I know! A little spoonful of their knowledge can so drown me. And I am a mummy of a 10-month-old daughter.
I realised that I have been really complacent and making way too many excuses for not being a well-informed mummy. From chubs' birth, we have the luxury of hiring a confinement nanny to help look after both chubs and I and after that one month, even though I take care of chubs in my own house by myself, my MIL popped by everyday to get me lunch and helped me with chubs for 3-4 hours a day. By nature, I am a lazy procrastinator so even though that 2+ months (till end of my maternity leave) was supposed to be the best time for me to source for baby-related information (what with baby sleeping for long hours and waking up only at 2-3 hourly intervals for feeds and falling asleep immediately after), I did none of that. I don't know what kept me so busy and distracted that I couldn't even sit down proper and surf the internet. Looking back, I don't think I even switched on my lappie more than 10 times! I only engaged myself with Facebook updates and postings through my BlackBerry then. I faintly remembered telling myself during pregnancy that my maternity leave would be the best period for me to suss out baby information and learn more about motherhood but apparently I did not listen to myself enough.
Now, looking at other mummies' blogs, I realised I am falling so far behind I would need a super power Segway to just catch up with all the mummies who have been consistently jogging.
a Segway |
To be honest, I haven't been reading enough on the kinds of solid foods I should let chubs experience and the places I should bring her to. I haven't been doing as much as I want to - during pregnancy, I kept telling myself I would do this, I would do that ... but it's rather safe to say I haven't been achieving as much as I set out to. My poor little baby of 10 months has only eaten / done the following:
- 2 meals of porridge a day with carrots / pumpkin / potato / broccoli / chinese spinach / pork ribs / fish
- been to Botanic Gardens only once
- no bedtime stories yet, just the occassional one-worded " Baby, Touch!" books
- the occassional shopping trips
I know, I know, it really sounds rather pathetic for a 10-month-old child right? I have been feeding myself excuses like:
- My MIL is a little resistant to change and instructions
- she's a very good homemaker and therefore does not see much value in my input because I'm still like a little kid who wants but do not know what's best for her baby
- she has a wealth of experience with babysitting and has successfully raised more than 3 children (including her sister's and brother's) while I have obviously zero experience
- to her credit, she is very keen and does bring chubs out whenever an opportunity arises
Solution: Have to work hard and tactfully when tackling the above matter. Haven't found an appropriate method. Gotta work on this.
Solution: Which mummy doesn't have nowadays? Obviously there are many SAHMs around but those who does work juggle their worklife balance very well AND also finds time to read up on information and taking their children out for new experiences. But the ultimate solution presents itself when my temporary position as a marketing assistant ends in Dec. I will then have no more excuse for not researching on ways to educate my child, what new foods to try, etc.
- Time is too little - I need time to do all the household chores, need time to rest, need time to watch TV, need time to spend time with my family on weekends in addition to Alvin's family.
Solution: Time management and some sacrifices to be made on my end.
All in all, I need to buck up on my mothering skills! Time to start scouring the WorldWide Web for useful information and start interacting more with the mothers in forums (shopping-related interaction are not counted!) and also to read up more.
Ok, let's just stay tuned ...