chasing after a lantern Gong gong bought for her at the market |
the mentioned lantern - it plays very "Chi-na" music! |
Gong gong bought yet another tambourine for her |
Feeding time by Gong gong!
when the feeding got too slow :P |
Playing with the alphabet mat at Nai nai's - D is for Daddy!
Hmm... who should I call? |
Distracted by a touch-and-feel book
couldn't decide on a person to call ... so she decided to chew the phone |
Listening and watching one of her favorite songs on BabyTV - Special Day song.
According to MIL, she will lurch towards the living room/TV wherever she is when she hears the song plus she can sway to the music.
So far, my 8-month-old chubs:
- can crawl really fast, almost leaping
- can stand up in her cot without help from us
- can stand up with support from pillows/furniture
- has two teeth prominently out and 2-3 more on the way!
- has fallen sick twice within a span of 2 months
- has broken out in rashes after a bad bout of constipation
- has started on solids and is having 2 meals of solids a day and loving it!
- can identify certain things when it has been repeated to her several times
- can hold out her hand to us on request
- can roughly identify waving with "goodbye" and "hello"
- rolls around/sits up and then freefall on the mattress/cot when sleeping at night
- responds to familiar and favorite toys/songs/people by squealing in joy/jumping/laughing
- can link stretching out of arms to "baobao" (hug/carry)
- can run in her walker and manouever it at ease
- doesn't take long afternoon naps anymore unless there is air-conditioning
- sleeps only for 6 hours at a stretch at nighttime before waking up for a feed
Baby, we can't wait for your first words! We all love you so much :) Happy 8 months!